RWY Yoke The Salon 0721 003

Yoke The Salon

01752 251351 Visit Website
Dog Friendly

YOKE is a creative, forward-thinking hair salon. At YOKE, we have created a happy and holistic salon, where our focus is on nurturing and growing a community of like-minded people, alongside producing uncompromisingly good hair for our clients.

YOKE is a sustainable, ethically focused salon dedicated to creating beautiful hair without compromising on the environment. Wherever possible, at YOKE we have always and will continue to minimise energy use and waste, use eco-friendly products, and recycle.

Where possible, we avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the environment, and your hair. We recycle as much as we can, and we use Eco-towels, which mean that energy consumption in washing and drying is cut by up to 40%, and water use by around 15%.

YOKE exclusively uses the very best L’Oreal products, and our head colourist Jo holds the highly sought after L’Oreal Colour Specialist qualification, which you won’t find anywhere else in the city.


Opening times

Monday to Thursday: 09:00-20:00
Saturday & Sunday: